
As an online store owner of 17 years, I would give my Kingdom to find an ecommerce platform that answers the problem which is being answered everywhere else. An easy to set up system that has no bloat, and does NOT REQUIRE A PROGRAMMER TO DO EVERYTHING. Did you all see that last sentence? That is Magento's biggest flaw (and why its loved by so many developers). Im not a developer and I am tired of sifting through hundreds of "hacks" who claim they are good at Magento development, only to end up with the new guy saying the last guy "sucked" and he ruined my code.

Its 2016. If your software isn't fully customizable by end-users with zero programming experience, you are obsolete. Therefore Magento is a joke, stuck in past times when the only people who could have websites were people who hired programmers. Those days are gone, and so is Magento soon enough.

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