Programmatically Rotate PDF Files

The Problem: A friend’s work photocopier continually scans files in with the wrong page orientation which is obviously both annoying and time consuming going through each PDF file changing the page orientation. After spending a few hours searching on Google I was unable to find a quick fix to this problem so my next stop was the adobe forums. A quick search their revealed a only one topic with someone posting about the exact same problem but other than a totally unhelpful reply from an Adobe employee saying look in the Acrobat API there was no solution.

Validating Multiple Controls in VB.NET

If you have ever built a form in Visual Studio with say 10 textboxes, you then want to validate all 10 textboxes on a certain event, well naturally you could go through each one like so

If txtTextBox1.Text = "" then

End If

If txtTextBox1.Text = "" then

End If

If txtTextBox1.Text = "" then

End If


But this leads to messy and tedious code so below is an example on how to loop through controls on a form and validate them on the way.

Cannot find wrapper assembly for type library VBIDE

I recently had this problem while working within Visual Studio 2008 on an invoicing program. For the project I was required to add a few references. Towards the end of the project when I was debugging I realised the Warning "Cannot find wrapper assembly for type library VBIDE".

I am unaware at this point which of the references I added also added the VBIDE reference but it was not needed within my code.

To solve the problem make sure you have all files in view, Project > Show All Files

Visual Basic - MinValue and MaxValue Properties

Today I was asked by a friend who is studying Visual Basic to write an article on the properties MinValue and MaxValue at first I thought these very simple properties were hardly worth an article but then I realised that when just starting out in programming it’s good to have examples of when these properties, could or should be used.

If we wanted to collect 10 scores of student’s exams results and then display the minimum and maximum score entered we could do so with the following code.

An Introduction to Visual Basic .NET 2008

Visual Basic .NET is an object orientated programming language which is a combination of Microsoft’s Visual Basic in conjunction with the .NET framework. VB .NET was designed by Microsoft to increase the development speed of GUI applications for the Windows platform.

Visual Basic was originally designed to be easy

to use and learn, while making the development of simple graphical programs easy, visual basic also offers many powerful features for the development of large and complex applications.