Installing Drush on VentraIP

  1. Install composer
    cd ~ && mkdir bin && curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/home2/YOU_SITE_NAME/bin --filename=composer
  2. Install Drush
    composer global require drush/drush:6.*
  3. php -i | grep php.ini and then copy the default php.ini into ~/.drush - Make ~/.drush folder if it does not exist.
  4. Remove exec and any other functions drush uses from the disabled_func line in php.ini
  5. Ensure the Composer bin folder is in your $PATH.
    export PATH=/path/to/home/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH
  6. Ensure you have the path to drush in your aliases.drushrc.php file.

Example aliases.drushrc.php File

  'root' => '/home/ACCOUNT/public_html',
  'uri' => '',
  'remote-user' => 'REMOTE_USER',
  'remote-host' => 'REMOTE_HOST_SETUP_IN ~/.SSH/CONFIG',
  'ssh-options' => '-p 2683',
  'path-aliases' => array(
    '%drush-script' => '/home/ACCOUNT/bin/drush',

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